Wallpixelworld.com is a site where You have the opportunity to choose and free download plenty of high-resolution and best-quality wallpapers for your iPhone, desktop, mobile phone, PC, laptop, and even TV screen.

Our team is made up of people, who are passionate about photography, 3D creation, and design. And here, we just want to share with you the results of our hobbies on this site. That’s why we offer to discover our creative works and as a result, You have the opportunity to download free our exclusive and original wallpapers for all of your devices! Or use those images for your personal or editorial needs, websites, or social sharing, with only request to indicate our site as creators of those media.

We chose all pictures for this site in the best possible quality and highest resolution in JPG and Webp lossy format, which are almost perfect for web publishing. But if You want our pictures for publishing or commercial needs in higher resolution and lossless TIFF or RAW format, please contact us at the email address on this page CONTACTS.

Best regards,

Wallpixelworld team.